Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Getting ridiculous.

Premium / (Discount)

Friday, August 14, 2009


Nat gas is very amusing for me (I have given up on trying to long it, thankfully not suffering any losses). Today I noticed how the commodity hit a new low, yet UNG did not. So I pop on over to the UNG website and I see

As of 8/13/2009
Closing Price $12.47
NAV $11.50
Premium / (Discount) 8.43%

So this thing is trading at an 8.5% PREMIUM. If they ever get approval to distribute more shares, watch out!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This blog has been pretty pathetic recently. I have been focusing on work and using Stewie's service to trade stocks. Although this makes my life was less stressful, it makes this blog a boring read. I can try to post more ideas here, but only if time permits.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Failed Banks

Forgot there was another week in July! Crazy month!

Nat Gas

Breaking up the previous lower high. chart Might get long tomorrow on pullback.